Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Bad Attitude

Sometimes we encounter people who seem put off. Or maybe angry or irritated. And you might think they should cheer up or improve their attitude or treat you with kindness and respect. You might wish they could spread the joy of the day just as you are doing. You might think they have fallen down on their gratitude practice.

But on any given day, with each person you encounter, you never know what that person might be dealing with. What is that person having to deal with on this particular day? Maybe the boss is playing favorites, and hard work is not paying off. Maybe the insurance company isn't paying up. Maybe a son or daughter is getting unfairly disciplined at school. Maybe a police officer was on "broken window" duty and the person got a ticket for jaywalking.

Or maybe this happened:

My brother who lives in Florida has been away visiting our mother. This is what happened to his house while he was gone....

Posted by Sophfronia Scott on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This man and his family members are probably not out spreading joy right now. I hope the coworkers and acquaintances and strangers they encounter treat them with compassion and don't judge them for any angry or hopeless vibes they may be giving off. I hope each person they meet gives them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the best they can in this moment on this day.


  1. I love it! A reminder to all of us to be a little kinder to all we meet, because truly we do not know what is going on in their lives.
