Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Imagine This: Your Son is an African American Teen Actor Hanging with ABC's 20/20. Yes! You're Proud.

Through the Force of long Custom, it appears needful to speak in Relation to Colour. Suppose a white Child, born of Parents of the meanest Sort, who died and left him an Infant, fall into the Hands of a Person, who endeavours to keep him a Slave, some men would account him an unjust Man in doing so, who yet appear easy while many Black People of honest Lives, and good Abilities, are enslaved, in a Manner more shocking than the case here supposed. This is owing chiefly to the Idea of Slavery being connected with the Black Colour, and Liberty with the White: And where false Ideas are twisted into our Minds, it is with Difficulty we get fairly disentangled. -- John Woolman

Your imaginary son. Wow! Look at him! I'd be proud too.
Actually, this is teen actor Tyler James Williams.
Photo courtesy of johnnybmoore.wordpress.com

A clip from the 20/20 episode showing the
European American actors vandalizing a car in a park with impunity.
Day 8 of my own #Woolman14DayJusticeChallenge:

Imagine this: You are the proud parent of an African American son who fills your heart with pride. He and his friends are actors, and some of his crew were hired by 20/20 for an episode of "What Would You Do?" Everybody is happy and excited -- thrilled, really -- at the prospect of national exposure on a major network. The process of filming these episodes is long, so your son and some of his friends decide to rest in the car. As they rest, a young European American man peers in at your son and his friends and decides they all look like they are about to rob somebody. He calls 911 to report the young men to police.

Now, proud parent of an African American teen actor, please watch this:

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As you reflect on the content of these videos, please take another look at the recent Stanford study that hints, at least to me, that many European Americans may falsely believe that African Americans men are disproportionately imprisoned because they commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. These videos show the reality: African American men are disproportionately imprisoned because they are disproportionately arrested. And that is because false ideas about who deserves liberty are twisted into the minds of many Americans, and it is difficult to get "fairly disentangled".

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